Our next WiMSE event is Wednesday, October 9th

Wednesday, October 9th, noon-1pm: Cash in on Your STEM-spirations: Grants, Awards, and Internships for Grads and Undergrads, Classroom Building 219

Join us for lunch and to hear about opportunities for funding your research interests or conference travel, and how to look for resources on and off campus for internships, postbac and postdoc positions and more. Panelists will be from a variety of UW programs.

WiMSE is a student-driven organization that is supported by an advisory board made up of staff and faculty representing STEM fields across campus. This organization provides personal and professional development opportunities to students so that they gain the skills to be successful in their academic and professional careers. For more information as well as updates on events and opportunities, subscribe to the

WiMSE Listserv:

Subscribing when on campus:

Subscribing when off campus:

  • Send an email to Wimse-list-subscribe@uwyo.edu


To unsubscribe from the WiMSE Listserv:

If you are on campus – Go to https://lists.uwyo.edu/mailman/listinfo/wimse-list and scroll down to the bottom.  Enter your email in the bottom box and follow the instructions to unsubscribe!

If you are off campus – Please send an email to wimse-list-unsubscribe@uwyo.edu from the email you wish to unsubscribe. Do not just reply to this email!



Coffee & Conversation 

Start your morning off with coffee/tea and a breakfast goodie while you meet other women in STEM!

Wednesday, October 16th, 8:30-9:30am Coffee and Conversation Engineering Education & Research Building lobby

Wednesday, November 16h, 8:30-9:30am Coffee and Conversation Engineering Education & Research Building lobby

Hosted by Wyoming INBRE!

Join us for coffee and breakfast goodies and engage in informal conversation while making new connections.

NEW INBRE logo 2021_gold_grey_sticker copy

 WiMSE Luncheons for Fall 2024

Wednesday, October 9th, noon-1pm: Cash in on Your STEM-spirations: Grants, Awards, and Internships for Grads and Undergrads, Classroom Building 219
Join us for lunch and to hear about opportunities for funding your research interests or conference travel, and how to look for resources on and off campus for internships, postbac and postdoc positions and more. Panelists will be from a variety of UW programs.


Thursday, November 14th, 12:20-1:10pm: Pitch Perfect: Speaking Up and Standing Out in STEM, Classroom Building 219
Curious about how to grow your presentation skills?  This workshop will go through do’s, don’ts, tips, & tricks for giving your best with poster and oral academic presentations and what you can do to become your best presenter self!


Wednesday, December 4th, noon-1pm: Don’t Let It Boil Over: Cool Conflict Resolution for STEM Women, Classroom Building 219

 WiMSE RSO Events for Fall 2024

Monday, October 28th, 5-6:30pm: Pumpkin Picasso: A Pumpkin Painting Party (hosted by the WiMSE RSO), location TBD

Monday, December 2nd, 5-6pm: Finals Fuel-Up: Study Hour for Peak Performance (hosted by the WiMSE RSO), location TBD

 Other Events/Opportunities

  • Consider signing up for Green Dot training: this nationally recognized program aims to give participants the tools and resources to measurably reduce rates of interpersonal violence on our campus. Visit www.uwyo.edu/greendot for more information.
         WiMSE RSO (Registered Student Organization) 

Contact the RSO president at vmattosp@uwyo.edu or visit the WiMSE Instagram (WiMSE_UW) for more information!

 WIMSE Partners & Supporters

NEW INBRE logo 2021_gold_grey_sticker copy
Z_P logo
Biodiversity Institute logo

 WiMSE Advisory Board

Information coming soon!

Information coming soon!

Information coming soon!

Information coming soon!

Information coming soon!

Information coming soon!

On. Wednesday, February 1, 2021, WiMSE hosted a luncheon about internship, fellowship, and other research opportunities.  You can view that presentation by clicking below!

WIMSE Intership Presentation by Elizabeth Marie

In Spring of 2021, WiMSE hosted an informational session on research opportunities, featuring speakers from the Wyoming NASA Space Grant, INBRE, and McNair Scholars.  You can view a recording of that info session to the right!  Several websites are mentioned in the video; you can find direct links to them below:

Wyoming INBRE: www.uwyo.edu/wyominginbre

Wyoming NASA Space Grant: wyomingspacegrant.org

McNair Scholars Program: www.uwyo.edu/seo/mcnair

Science Kitchen: wyomingspacegrant.org/sciencekitchen

NASA Internships: intern.nasa.gov

Wyoming Research Scholars Program: www.uwyo.edu/wrsp

LAMP: www.uwyo.edu/science-initiative/lamp

2023 WiMSE sponsors