K-12 Balloon Launch Request Form




  • This request form is for K-12 balloon launches only! If you would like to request a launch for a non-K-12 group/project, including college groups and individual WY State Science Fair projects, please email us directly (wsgc@uwyo.edu).
  • Before submitting a request, please make sure you are familiar with our Balloon Launch 101 and Ballooning FAQ pages. Any questions or concerns you may have about doing a balloon launch may already be addressed there.
  • Eligible K-12 organizations include schools (public/private/homeschool), afterschool programs, science camps, teacher workshops, and others of similar nature. Although we take requests on a first come first serve basis, priority will be given to new groups that have not yet hosted a launch.
  • We can launch any weekday except Monday.
  • We try to do 3–4 launches per semester (about one per month). Depending on our availability, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your request. All launches must take place in Wyoming.
  • Launch participants are expected to develop their own payloads that will fly with the balloon. This could be fairly simply (e.g., fill a payload box with items and materials of the students’ choosing) or more in-depth (e.g., a scientific experiment or electronic sensor package). We can provide empty payload boxes. Weeks before the launch, we will communicate with the person who submits the request to discuss these payloads in more detail.

Contact Info

Participant Info

Launch Dates

Please choose from available weekdays, Tuesday through Friday. Mid-morning launch times (~9am) or earlier typically work best weather-wise and provide us with plenty of time for payload recovery. We will do our best to accommodate your schedule, however we cannot guarantee our availability on your preferred launch date. The more flexibility you have in your schedule, the better!

Other Information

Note: See our Balloon Launch 101 and Ballooning FAQ pages for more info on what a payload recovery entails.
We expect to send only a few emails to this list every year, mainly to share our bi-annual high-altitude balloon newsletter as well as any relevant announcements related to our program.