Application Deadline:  MARCH 12, 2025

NASA EPSCoR Faculty Research Grants are intended to support new faculty just starting out in their careers or established faculty who are embarking on a significantly new research direction. These grants are intended to assist proposers in developing future proposals to other funding agencies (including NASA and NSF). Early career faculty are especially encouraged to apply.


  • Proposals may be submitted by faculty members at the University of Wyoming
  • Proposals must be of a nationally competitive nature
  • Faculty must hold the rank of assistant professor, associate professor, professor, research associate, or equivalent (sorry, adjunct faculty members and post docs are not eligible)
  • Research projects MUST have a computing and technology research focus or application


  • Grant requests can be made up to a maximum of $30,000
  • Funding may be used for faculty summer salary (including benefits), materials and supplies, travel within the United States, and salary support for students, post-docs, or research scientists
  • The award may NOT be used for page charges, international travel, tuition for special institutes or off-campus programs, or the purchase of equipment costing more than $5,000
  • Projects may begin in September and must be completed by the end of the following August (unless other arrangements are made in advance)
  • Any amount of money that remains unspent by the end of August of the following year will be relinquished!


Completed applications must be e-mailed to prior to the deadline. You should receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your application within two business days. If you do not receive this confirmation please contact our office.

There are two documents required for a complete application:

  1. Completed Faculty Application Form (MS Word Document) – Fill out electronically!
  2. Proposal Document (Instructions) – Please write for a general audience!



  • Recipients are expected to keep the Wyoming NASA EPSCoR office informed of their progress
  • Research programs are expected to result in publication in a refereed journal and/or a proposal to another funding agency (i.e., NSF, NASA, DOE, etc.)
  • Presentation of research on campus is expected; presentation at national scientific meetings is highly encouraged
  • Recipients will be expected to notify the Wyoming NASA EPSCoR office of any publications or presentations resulting from the funding, even if they are made many years after the grant period
  • If additional proposals are submitted to other funding agencies resulting from this funding, you are expected to notify the Wyoming NASA EPSCoR office of these proposals (either successful or not successful)
  • A short final report survey will be sent to you towards the end of your funding period. This information is required for reporting purposes and must be submitted in a timely manner following the completion of the grant.


Phone:  (307) 766-2862 or (307) 766-2987

View Past Recipients