Application Deadline:  Varies by College

Our Community College STEM Scholarships are available to students at Wyoming community colleges that are affiliated with the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium. Affiliated colleges include Casper College, Central Wyoming College, Eastern Wyoming College, Gillette College, Laramie County Community College, Northwest Wyoming Community College, Sheridan College, and Western Wyoming Community College.

These scholarships are administered by the Space Grant Representative at each college. Contact your Space Grant Representative for more information about the application process and deadline at your college. All representatives are listed below.


Students at affiliated Wyoming community colleges who are majoring in science, technology, engineering, math, and some health science fields are eligible for these scholarships.


Completed applications must be submitted through the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM prior to your college’s deadline. For more information about the scholarship, please talk with your college’s Space Grant representative (see below). Please note that we are piloting a new registration process with NASA that requires students to create a NASA STEM Gateway profile as part of their application packet.

There are five parts required for a complete application:

  1. Online Application Form
  2. Written Essay (~500 words) – Describe your educational and career goals. Must be uploaded with the online application form.
  3. Official transcripts – Must be uploaded with the online application form.
  4. A letter of recommendation – Turn in to your college’s Space Grant representative.
  5. Registration with NASA STEM Gateway System (Instructions) – Complete a student profile on the NASA STEM Gateway webpage.


Casper College
Central Wyoming College
Eastern Wyoming College
Laramie County Community College
Northern Wyoming Community College District
Northwest College
Western Wyoming Community College