- Mara Gans
GIS for Cultural and Environmental Resource Management
Department of Arts & Science, Central Wyoming College - Joshua Holmes
Development of a HyFlex Laboratory for Undergraduate Microbiology
Department of Math and Science, Western Wyoming Community College - Kirsten Kapp
Driving Plasticity: Encouraging Scientific Thinking, Skill Development, and Curiosity Through Microplastic Research
Department of Arts & Science, Central Wyoming College - Astrid Northrup
K-16 Student STEM Drone Competition
STEM Division, Northwest College - Sarah Pauley
Developing Online Calculus I Lecture Videos
Mathematics Department, Western Wyoming Community College - J. Gregory Smith
CSI Powell: Developing and Upper Division Forensic Anthropology Course at Northwest College
Department of Anthropology, Northwest College
- William Finney
Hooking Students on STEM Pathways Through Hands-On Experiential Learning with High-Altitude Ballooning
Science Department, Central Wyoming College - Randal Goff
Development of a Laboratory Curriculum for Undergraduate General Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, Western Wyoming Community College - Jacki Klancher
Department of Math and Science, Alpine Science Institute, Central Wyoming College - Kent Sundell
Wyoming Impact Site Research Project
Department of Natural Science and Technology, Casper College
- Jacki Klancher
Informing and Diversifying Earth and Atmospheric Science (IDEAS) Field Based Climate and Air Quality Research and Education Programs
Department of Math and Science, Alpine Science Institute, Central Wyoming College - Katrina Marcos
Bringing Inquiry into a Non-STEM Biology Laboratory
Department of Biology, Western Wyoming Community College - Paul Marquard
Taking ES 1060 to the Online Environment
Department of Engineering, Casper College - Astrid Northrup
Startup Funding for a K-16 Student STEM Drone Competition at Northwest College
Department of Engineering and Mathematics, Northwest College
- Jared Bowden
Casper College and Wyoming High Schools: A Joint Venture in Online Physics Education
Department of Physics, Casper College - Randal Goff
Development of a Laboratory Curriculum for Undergraduates in Organic Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, Western Wyoming Community College
- Elizabeth Hunter
Physics Lab Activity and Demonstration Development and Coordination
Department of Engineering, Math, and Science, Northern Wyoming Community College District – Gillette College - Paul Marquard
Engineering Problem Solving in the Flipped Classroom
Department of Engineering, Casper College