Student Highlights: Zoë Short

Class: Junior
Major: Zoology
My name is Zoë Short and I am from Douglas, WY. I have always loved to observe and care for animals, and I have volunteered, worked, and fostered for both Laramie Peak Humane Society in Douglas and Laramie Animal Welfare Society in Laramie. My major is zoology, which is fitting with my love for animals. I also have a minor in geography because I love learning about new places. Outside of school, I am a member of the University of Wyoming Community Band, and I play the alto saxophone.
My current research is focused on the habitats of monarch and regal fritillary butterflies in eastern Wyoming. I work with master’s student Madi Crawford in the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database (WYNDD) lab, under Dr. Lusha Tronstad. There is very little known about the habitats of both of these butterflies in Wyoming and our research aims to provide a clear picture of these habitats in order to inform management decisions with regard to these important pollinators.
Every year, we award fellowships to graduate and undergraduate students attending the University of Wyoming or Wyoming’s community colleges in order to provide them with funding to engage in real-world research opportunities. Occasionally, we feature one of these students and their research on this blog. For more information about our student fellowships, visit our College Programs page.